Dec 28, 2011

EPA To Regulate Coal Fired Power Stations, A Train Wreck in the Making As They Say

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The EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)can force up to 20% of coal fired power plants to shut down. The regulation will cost utility companies $129 Billion Dollars. With the closures of these plants there are only two possible outcomes when supply exceeds demand; energy bills will be rising, rolling blackouts will happen. This will bring on incentives for higher air conditioning equipment efficiencies. This has already happened with the three region zoning I talked about in my recent blog (All A/C and Gas Furnaces are not equal).

The government is giving incentives for wind and solar, this renewable energy is intermittent (ie: no wind; equals no wind energy, no sun; equals no solar energy). In 2010 they gave tax credits for high efficiency equipment. They found that 40% of this equipment that was installed does not achieve its rated seer rate (Season Energy Efficiency Ratio).SO MUCH FOR THE TAX CREDITS ! The government seems to think the problem is with the pollution the power plants put off. This may be the case in some of the largest pollution countries,(ie: China, Russia, India , Mexico & etc). The problem is not the power plants, the problem is the way the homes use energy. With the mandate for higher efficiency appliances in homes (ie: refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges & etc.), Also, don’t forget the CFL bulbs, and the air conditioning equipment without equipment performance verification reports (like what is in California). Then it IS A MUST that we install equipment to achieve it’s maximum efficiency, since it consumes the most energy in the home. It is this contractors belief that this problem is created by people who are making money off of it, and the only people who can solve this problem are the contractors that will step up to the plate and install equipment as per ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) Standard 5 Quality Installation Specifications. Hope this Helps……